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A concussion is an injury to the brain that causes problems with how the brain works. It can affect things like memory, balance, focus, decision making, and coordination.


A concussion is caused by a blow to the head or shaking of the head from things like:

  • 瀑布
  • Motor vehicle accidents
  • Being struck by something or slamming against something
  • Physical violence
How a 脑震荡 Occurs
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脑震荡s are more common in men. Things that raise the risk of concussion are:

  • 使用酒精
  • Playing organized sports
  • A prior concussion


A concussion can cause symptoms that may last for days, weeks, or 甚至更久. They may start right away or a few hours or days after the injury. 常见的 physical problems are:

  • 头疼
  • 头晕
  • Ringing in the ears and problems hearing
  • Blurred vision
  • Balance and coordination problems
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • 疲劳
  • Sensitivity to sounds and lights
  • 麻木
  • 癫痫发作
  • Problems sleeping

Other problems may be:

  • 混乱
  • Lack of focus
  • Problems paying attention
  • Loss of memory
  • Slow processing speed
  • Slow reaction time
  • Problems completing tasks
  • 易怒


The doctor will ask about symptoms, past health, and how the injury happened. A physical exam will be done. This is enough to make the diagnosis.


Most people will be able to heal at home. People with severe symptoms may be kept in the hospital for monitoring.

The goal of treatment is to let the brain rest so that it can heal. 有些休息是 recommended for the first 24 to 48 hours, but full rest is not always needed. 它可能 take longer for all symptoms to pass. Recovery may require:

  • Time off from sports
  • Limiting mentally demanding activities, such as schoolwork and using devices with 屏幕
  • Therapy to help with cognitive function

A second 脑损伤 could lead to serious problems. Care will need to be taken to 避免这种情况.


To lower the risk of concussion:

  • Use seat belts, shoulder harnesses, and child safety seats when traveling in motor vehicles.
  • Having children use safe, age appropriate methods when playing sports.
  • Wear a helmet when doing activities such as:
    • Playing a contact sport like football, soccer, or hockey
    • Riding a bike or motorcycle
    • Using skates, scooters, and skateboards
    • Catching, batting, or running bases in baseball or softball
    • Riding a horse
    • Skiing or snowboarding


  • 脑震荡 and mild traumatic 脑损伤. EBSCO DynaMed 网站. Available at: http://www.力学.com/condition/concussion-and-mild-traumatic-brain-injury.
  • Lumba-Brown A, Yeates KO, et al. Centers for Disease Control and 预防 Guideline on the 诊断 and Management of Mild Traumatic 脑损伤 Among Children. JAMA Pediatr. 2018 Nov 1;172(11):e182853.
  • Sports-related concussion information for athletes. 卫斯理 University Athletic Injury Care 网站. Available at: http://athletics.卫斯理.edu/Performance%5F-%5FCare/concussions.
  • Traumatic 脑损伤 and concussion. Centers for Disease Control and 预防 网站. Available at: http://www.疾病预防控制中心.gov/TraumaticBrainInjury/index.html.
  • What can I do to help feel better after a mild traumatic 脑损伤? Centers for Disease Control and 预防 网站. Available at: http://www.疾病预防控制中心.gov/traumaticbraininjury/recovery.html.
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